The brand new ATHENS Reference Mains is a fast and dynamic Reference Power Mains Cable designed to properly balance a/c power requirements to all your high end components. Very much at home on large high current power amps to more current stable front end gear. The ATHENS Reference is a premium 100% OFC Copper, multi-conductor, direction-spun, specific spin-weighted, high current power cable that balances out power demands on your gear. Extremely well insulated using three different types of Propriety Combinations of insulation, the ATHENS keeps all the positive energy on the conductive materials not allowing energy bleed or energy misdirection. Large awg cables do maintain much more resistance simply due to its size which “can” create a bottleneck and reduce performance in terms of speed and low current supply, the ATHENS does not. Electro-Harmonic Pulse Treated, deep CRYO Treated and using the FURUTECH all Copper plug and IEC for consistent, unaltered and non exaggerated performance with fully balanced performance characteristics, the ATHENS gives musical presentations a very natural and precise tonality with no resistive qualities. The all copper design is necessary for non-bloated or restrictive playback sound. Extremely open and transparent, fast and direct, the ATHENS allows all your gear especially front end gear, to actually “Breathe” freely without the fails of “some” large awg cable designs creating more resistance that is necessary and in effect, wasting current efficiency. Tremendous vocal accuracy, low frequency balance and precision with an “exact” weight to the performance. Midrange and high frequency balance are spectacular. Space, pace, rhythm and soundstage are incredible with zero loss in detail or micro-detail giving midband and mid bass more speed and definition. The ATHENS is quite simply put, sensational in all respects without being overly intrusive, a sensational Reference Power Mains Cable.